Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Can A Non-Metal Person Celebrate Metal?!

The former front man for the 80s glam metal band, Twisted Sister, Dee Snider, went off on Twitter recently over some current celebutards for suddenly discovering 80s metal bands t-shirts.
As reported in the New York Post, Snider was savage against those who have now started this trend. Here are some of the Tweets:

Gotta say, this new trend of non-metal fans wearing vintage metal T's if pretty sickening. Metal is not ironic! Dicks.

It's not just the wearing of our metal T's, it's their cherry picking of our style   These are OUR symbols; OUR image.

And does it? At least @ladygaga talks about being a fan of metal i n interviews - is seen at concerts. Does Kim & Kanyea?https://twitter.com/Svelteassassin/status/920509868854923269 

Now I will say this.
Snider is spot on.
As I wrote in this post, if there is such a thing as a metal "uniform", it is for metalheads. 
While I did not know this about Lady Gaga, and it gives me a new-found respect for her if true, if she is a metal fan, no problem with her being part of the club, so to speak. 
But if you are like Kim Khardashian, Kanye West, or the worst of the worst, Justin Bieber, you should never, ever wear anything remotely metal in the least. You should not be insulting those that have been into the metal scene pretty much forever. 
The reality is that these are pop music and or trendies at best. I honestly believe that they are indeed and in fact total poseurs. 
People like those mentioned above could care less about those metal musicians who actually use real instruments (electric guitars, drums and in some cases keyboards) and can string some written music and lyrics together. They really don't get how the music that metal performers put out has real meaning to the legions of fans. They just think that ooh! we are setting a new trend and look at us.
Look at us, indeed. 
As someone that thought Metallica performing with Lady Gaga at the Grannys, er Grammys, was a sellout, I am now rethinking that. As Snider's points out, Lady Gaga actually is a fan of metal and metal musicians. Is any Khadashian? Kanye? Justin? Or any of the others 
NO! N. O. 
While I am not against anything that gets people to listen to and get into metal, these people are not doing that. They are just trolls.
No self-respecting metalhead would wear anything of something that they do not know about or have any real interest in. Sorry, won't be wearing a Justin Bieber t-shirt. 
Being a metalhead is not for kicks. People mocks us, think that there is something wrong with us. We are told how anti-social we are.  I can go on, but will not. We know the score.
As I noted, I want people to get into metal. I want people to appreciate the music and what it represents. But I don't want people like publicity hounds redefining being metal into no more than another trend to be dropped when the newest thing comes along.
That is why Dee Snider is right. It is kinda disgusting to see people with no love and appreciation for metal to wear the vintage t-shirts of some of the great bands of the greatest era of metal, the 80s. 
If you want to get into metal, go to a real metalhead, not a poseur.

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